Make Change That Lasts – Part 4

Step/Tip #4 is:

* Change Takes Time

Again this is another one of those that seems so common sense that it shouldn’t even be listed BUT is it really?!?

I believe this is one that becomes harder and harder to not only believe but Accept because of the day and age we live in! Everything these days seem so immediate because of technology. We expect everything so much quicker – internet, text, social media, TV on Demand (DVR), Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. Technology is great and has helped us get soo many things faster than ever thought of before; However, if we aren’t careful we will assume change should be the same! But many times, that’s not the case!!

I’ll even find myself eating poorly for days (maybe even weeks) and putting on some extra unwanted weight – FAT. Then I’ll eat super healthy for a day and be bummed that I can’t see my abs – hahaha. How ridiculous is that?! But again, I think its because of the day and age we live in – immediate gratification and immediate results are what we want and have come to expect.

Lasting change usually takes time! The body transforming from eating healthy, running, lifting weights, etc….takes time to see the results! It takes time to see the weight loss, it takes time to see the muscle build up, it takes time to get stronger, etc. Same thing with getting smarter or learning some new, or developing a new skill, etc. It takes time!

Maybe you are trying to get rid of a bad habit. Usually that takes time as well. It’s probably not going to happen overnight – especially if it’s a habit you have had for a long period of time. You might have to take baby steps in the beginning. Or maybe it’s a big leap and then you find yourself slipping up and doing that bad habit again. Shake it off and start fresh!

I’m going to leave you this to ponder for the rest of the week…

Mushrooms can grow in less than a day and they live for a few hours. Oak trees take 20-30 years to reach maturity (drop an acorn) and can last hundreds of years!

Do you want to be a mushroom or an oak tree?!

Keep grinding and pushing forward! I believe in you!