Archive for March 2019
Make Change That Lasts – Part 4
Step/Tip #4 is: * Change Takes Time Again this is another one of those that seems so common sense that it shouldn’t even be listed BUT is it really?!? I believe this is one that becomes harder and harder to not only believe but Accept because of the day and age we live in! Everything…
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Step/Tip #3 is: * You Have to Change the Way You Think If we are going to change the way we act, then we MUST change the way we think! We have all heard that sports, etc are 80-90% mental. Not sure if there are any hard facts behind that number and honestly it doesn’t…
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So last week I talked about the importance of knowing the Truth in order to make change that lasts. Step/Tip #2 * Change Requires Us to Make A Choice Now wait! Before you say “Duh” and delete this email, let me explain in more detail. You see if we are not careful we can just…
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We all want to change something about ourselves! For many its a physical change: appearance (lose weight, build muscle, get leaner); get stronger; be faster; etc. But many times there are other parts of our lives we are trying to change…things like our mentality, our emotional state of being, or improving our spiritual lives. Maybe…
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